Brokers Justin AllessioAssociate Vice President Michael A. BrownVice President Anthony J. CassanoVice President Joan L. CenicolaVice President Barry J. CohorskySenior Vice President Kristen CostanzaAssociate Jessica Curry, CCIMAssociate Jeffrey W. DeMagistris, SIORSenior Vice President Eric DemmersVice President Nicholas B. DePaoleraAssociate William Ericksen, CCIMAssociate Vice President Dominic M. FittizziVice President Ronald A. FotiuVice President Colin GoldsteinAssociate Peter O. Hanson, SIORChairman of the Board William C. Hanson, SIORPresident Dick HeckerVice President Randy Horning, MSREVice President Gregory M. JamesDirector Capital Markets John “LJ” KochAssociate Kimberly A. KocurSVP Corporate Services Jonathan M. KristofichVice President Lorenzo Lambiase, CCIM, MBAAssociate Vice President Steven G. Leitner, CCIMVice President Patrick LennonVice President W. Joshua Levering, SIORSenior Vice President Darren M. Lizzack, MSREVice President Kenneth D. Lundberg, SIORSenior Vice President Susan MasonSenior Vice President Hal B. Messer, MSRESenior Vice President Steve PastorGlobal Supply Chain, Ports & Rail Logistics Practice Industrial Chairperson for NAI Global Ayush Patel, MSREAssociate Scott K. Perkins, SIOR, CCIMSenior Vice President William PulzelloAssociate Giovanni RamaciAssociate Gary P. SauerbornSenior Vice President John J. SchilpSenior Vice President Sigmund E. SchorrSenior Vice President Cameron SilversteinAssociate Vice President Andrew Somple, SIORSenior Vice President Christopher D. Todd, SIORManaging Director, Institutional Services David M. UklejaAssociate Russell J. Verducci, SIORVice President Thomas A. Vetter, SIORSenior Vice President Joseph F. VindigniVice President Michael G. Walters, SIORExecutive Managing Director Corporate Services Walter WolfVice President
Steve PastorGlobal Supply Chain, Ports & Rail Logistics Practice Industrial Chairperson for NAI Global